OK, just wanted to start a kind of step by step plan for making a quilt. This is step one of the newest quilt I have been working on. As you can see to the right, I am showing the fabrics I have chosen. I thought that all three of these fabrics would go together, but now I am not sure of the butterfly print on the left. It does not go with the pattern I have chosen. Below is a close up of the main fabric.
Then start cutting. I am using big squares and little squares on this one. For the small squares, I sewed strips together and then will cut them into strips the other direction in order to make the sewing part easier.
You can see below how it looks when I cut the strips apart and then start peicing them together into a checkerboard pattern. When I was young, I would take graphing paper and color in the lines with every other block colored in with alternating colors, just like a quilt. And now I love sewing these checkerboards together.
OK, so as I start, I alternate the cutting and the sewing, just to keep it interesting. I get to bored just doing all the cutting then all the sewing. Also, if I am watching TV, I can cut during the show and go to the other room to sew during the commercial.
You can see below how I am starting to peice this quilt together. It is a modified Irish Chain design. I am using the smaller squares for one part part and the larger squares for the other. THen these squares will make a larger pattern of chaining.
I hope you will see as I go and make additional posts what it is like to take these peices and connect them until you all of the suddan have this large whole that makes sense.
I so love doing this and the process of putting things together.
OK, now, this is a retro quilt with a different sort of pattern and cats on it. I need ideas for who should recieve this as a Christmas present, because the best part of finishing a quilt is seeing someone curl up under it. I have had the joy of seeing both my mother and my mother in law open a quilt from me, take it out, and then immediately wrap up in it. That is the best.
OK, more to come, keep watching!!