But thankfully, I actually have had MORE time for reading since our little bundle of joy arrived. And one of my favorite authors right now is Kristen Randle. I literally found a book of hers in a used book store this past year. In an effort to try new things I picked it up because the title and the back cover sounded interesting. Reading it was one of the most enjoyable experiences of the whole pregnancy! I read it twice. In a row. I am not sure if it was all the hormones that made it just so absolutely wonderful for me, but I think anyone who loves reading should read it immediately.
But that is not what this post is about! This post is about her new book The Gardener. The Gardener is a must read for any one who has teenaged children or who works with teenagers on a regular basis. It deals with numerous serious issues that kids today face. But it is done is such a lovely and real way, and is laced with humor and mystery and wonderful character development.

Kristen is a kindred spirit to me, even though I don't know her. There is just something so familiar in her perspective on the world. I just love entering into her writing and seeing life from the eyes of her characters.
One more thing I really love is that she incorporates quilts into her books. In this story, the heroine's mother is a quilter. They spend time together in the book creating quilts. It is lovely.
So please go out and grab a copy of one of her books. Several are available on Kindle. Some other wonderful titles are Breaking Rank, The Lady and the Fool, and Slumming. I think all are considered YA fiction, so read one to feel young!! They are all a lot of fun.