Thursday, June 18, 2009

New additions

These are the two new additions to our family. They are lots of fun and very fuzzy and have come just in time, as we have lots our dear old momma cat, and the mice have just returned with a vengance in her absence.

Their names are Tuck (the orange tabby) and Sheera, princess of power (the calico). Sheera has powers, such as teleportation. Sometimes she teleports under your feet, which is not a great skill.

As you can see, we have to use the quilts to protect the couches from sharp little claws. They love jumping on the couches, but it is not too good for the leather. They are a fun pair, but due to some dog issues have only been living inside. This is against all I have ever sworn to do...cats belong outside in my mind. But now we find ourselves wondering how these two will ever move outside permanatly. We shall see, but we want them to be big enough to defend themselves before they move out.

1 comment:

brd said...

They are cute. There is nothing like a kitten. But I vote for outside also, or inside/outside.