And that sort of causes one to turn ones mind back to the nice warm quilt just waiting to be finished off. Just like quilting, my blogging comes and goes. But it is time that I updated my progress on the cat quilt. Since May, I put the quilt down for a while, then worked on it in two intense weekends, then put it away again for a while. But before I pick it up again, it is time for an update.
First, I need to feature the one who does all the REAL work on this sewing machine. It is a simple, trusty machine that I got for Christmas many years ago. It needs oiled every now and again, but otherwise it is good to go. It has made numerous quilts, pencil endge my wedding veil, not to mention the skirts for my bridesmaids, and has stiched numerous other items. I felt like I was remiss in not showing this important peice of the quilting process.
Anyway, as you can see, I have gotten a good ways on peicing the quilt together. You can see above how I take the blocks and lay them out. As I get a line ready to go, I take it to my trusty machine, sew it, and then connect it to the body of the quilt. Sorry about having another foot shot. I swore I would avoid getting them in the shot, but was not careful enough.
It was a lot more time consuming of a pattern than I thought it would be, so I decided to make the section with the squares smaller and add a dark blue edge. This is a great way to make a quilt just a bit bigger. My husband specifically requested that this one be long enough to cover both his feet and neck . He says he does not like the small ones that leave parts sticking
I think the pattern itself turned out very neat. You can see how the pattern on the blue fabric lends to the chained pattern of the quilt itself, making it look more like a backdrop for the green fabric. It is very different. I don't know if I would like it with other fabrics, but with these it really turned out.
Hope fully I will have this done before Christmas and can post another update. Although, I am now starting to think about other projects to give as gifts. It is too easy to get distracted. But I love when I get a chance to work on these quilts.
hope you find this post interesting.
That quilt is lovely. A real work of art. You are an artist and you approach quilting from that perspective, but with fun too. And practicality. I certainly agree that it should cover toes and necks. No one should be cold in the winter!!!!
I found a wonderful blog that I know you will love:
I was looking for information on the quilts from Gee's Bend when I found it. See this site. They remind me of you.
the pattern is beautiful! I'd say you should find a way to get paid for this . . . but then it would more than likely become an un-fun job, which really isn't the point.
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