Yesterday I went to a Quilt binding class. It was great. I learned how to do the edge of the quilt for myself. I am very eager to try it. Here are some pictures of the 1st 2 steps. It is a rather tedious process , but it will he cool to be able to do more for myself.
First you cut 2.5 in strips. you then Sew them together as Shown t
o make one long strip to go around the quilt. You then begin sewing the Strip around the quilt. you essentially-have to sew both sides on the same Seam so that it looks the same on both sides.

You start working your way around the quilt sewing all the raw edges together for the quilt and binding. Then when you wrap the binding around, all raw edges are covered and only the folded edge shows.
This is really hard to describe. You definitely have to do it with the help of an expert in order to really get it. You end up wrapping the material around, sewing it together, and trying to match up all the seams so that it looks clean and smooth. It is tedius and requires a lot of pinning and adjusting as you go.
And then you have a fully completed quilt. This is the final stage. I am going to try one myself in the Spring...starting with the quilting and then the binding. I am really looking forward to it.
Thanks to Sandra and Margret who took several tedius hours to teach me this skill.
I often marvel at the competent hands of older women. Margret has such hands. Mine were clumsy and slow in trying to fold and move the fabric to my will. But hers were practised and sure. I hope that all my labors in fabric will make mine that way one day soon.
I have heard that my dad marvels at the competence of MY hands in the quilt I made him. I find it so hard to believe, because all I see are the flaws and uneaveness of the quilt I made them. But I guess I must be on the right path in order to get such a compliment from him. I have spent so much time marveling at the man who I feel can do or fix absolutely anything. Now there is a thing that I can do and he can't. It is a strange feeling.
OK, enough ramblings. Boy, I have missed my blog! It is good to be back!
1 comment:
Your Dad read this, though he refused to enter the blog world enough to post. However, we did try to call. Will try again. It was touching to read this post!
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